Sunday, May 24, 2015

media obstacles

The governance agenda:
Whilst the role of communication in supporting democratic development and stimulating economic growth is increasingly recognised in international policy statements, in practical communication remains a relatively under-prioritized area of the so-called ‘good governance’ agenda. Some attribute this to a lack of robust evidence demonstrating communication's impact on governance, others argue it is more fundamentally a question of whether support to communication – which typically encompasses the development of an independent media sector, improving access to information, and the strategic use of media and political communication tools to influence behavior and social change – is a legitimate area for donor funding, given the often highly political nature of such interventions. What is clear is that the available research on the role of communication in governance is fragmented across multiple disciplines with often.
Political obstacle:
Collection of media organizations under the domination of the executive power in parliaments obeys orders the executive branch rather than monitored and persecute its leaders and civil society organizations are run by government agencies, directly or indirectly, trade unions, rather than to defend the interests of its members to defend the policy and the positions of the parties they represent Aalkiedat union and the media either to be mouthpieces for propaganda Authority sweeten everything no matter how ugly or be extreme Bnqdha deny everything and Tqbh everything no matter how beautiful and stoke political and territorial conflict and turn to pick the demolition of the social ladder fomenting hatred among the people all of this in order to confuse the power and create an atmosphere of abnormal service for political party or a class or group of people to the objectives of the political hurdle associated with three factors: «the media, political parties, power.»
For this purpose, the independence of the media and the press in the exercise of their role and exit from the hegemony and domination and political power parties and financial independence is the right approach because the institution and media development in turn the political predominance of the media and cultural is dangerous in the absence of the media's role in the development of comprehensive concept element Amid the avalanche of newspapers and magazines how much of a newspaper or magazine, a specialized economy, education, culture, literature, technology, science ... etc ».. how the uniqueness of the political pages of newspapers for such topics versus the uniqueness of a custom policy pages.
Can not the media play its role dominance in development and is a prisoner of politics and server politician is true that the media is politicized and partisan but should highlight the role of the media in development and serve the nation and dealing Bmhennehma events and issues, the media bear the responsibility of conscience, commitment and attitude and a professional in to defend their community and their children before they defend their parties and their desires.
Obstacle democratic Press freedom important
To narrow down on the media converts between citizens and between receiving a basic rights in the knowledge of the overall concept and acquisition of all available methods. Without freedom of the media will continue to be the knowledge locked chests do not do positive do in the community and basically do not grow, but their practice and experience, Democracy are founded on freedom of the media is the way the community development and progress through the flow of ideas and visions and programs, individuals and institutions and parties.
The press freedom standards not only in the enactment of laws and constitutional rules governing media freedoms, but the real criteria is to respect and implement the constitutional and legal texts and rules governing it by the project and the power and the media and only became a dead letter.
As far as the importance of press freedom in the development of the importance of the development of ballasts and controls for the freedom of media and press freedom is not an end in itself, but a means to control the power and the reform of society and human service and development there is no room for freedom of opinion and expression if targeted sedition or band or targeted values ​​and ethics or targeted people Pfahac say the reluctance to engage in life and family and their secrets
 Physical barriers
Geography can be an obstacle; certain terrain prevents installation of necessary wiring; distance between audiences and media centers can cause difficulty; the lack of or quality of roads, climate, soil, trees. Can be a hindrance for example the island nation f Indonesia, the ocean presents physical barriers to convenient communication in a nation spread across 13,700 islands .
Cultural barriers
Illiteracy is a huge barrier that limits the capacity to communicate; illiteracy influences attitudes and beliefs; with multilingualism in societies, the most profitable population gets the majority of the focus-can lead to communities not getting daily communication; local authority figures or public, opinion leaders control the public's opinion-they have no incentive to foster development; some religious leaders think the media has a negative influence for example: india most of the people cannot read and write a short, simple sentence about his or her everybody life.

Economic barriers

Money is a necessity; well developed media are in those nations with strong economies; poverty and inequality are barriers; cost of infrastructure is a barrier for developing nations; international communication is very competitive, so money is essential; when media ownership is consolidated, diversity is decreased; costs a lot to buy a media organization

Technological barriers

It's expensive to start and distribute media; the rich are getting richer and it's creating a gap between poor and rich nations; underdeveloped nations are getting outdated equipment; the Internet doesn't take a lot to start up; some nations only allow government run sites .

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