Sunday, May 24, 2015

Lubna Olyan" Distinctive Personal

Lubna Olyan

Lubna Olyan whose father is Olyan who managed to establish Olyan Company with its great history in the field of contracting then spread greatly and formed a finance company and is famous all over the world. Lubna Olyan managed in running up the Olyan Group. Lubna   Olyan group has a great philosophy from its start till now where it is hiring the right person in the right place. Olyan company is regarded  the best company in the Middle East ,it carries out more  activities that are represented in product distribution, manufacturing, services and investment, in addition to its fame as a leading multinational and regional partners.

Nowadays, the head of the group is not Lubna’s father Suleiman Olyan but Lubna is the CEO and has the main position as a  supervisor of  the company .Regarding the Olyan Company or Olyan Group management we see it described as a progressive one in its outlook. In analyzing the company’s strategic affairs, we notice that it follows a great  strategic direction to the operating companies as really it does more remarkable services as it guides them in synergistic, integrated growth ,provides arrange of central business services and more other affairs as well.

Bringing superior products and services and technologies to Saudi Arabia and to other countries across the country’s borders.

Lubna Olyan has great personal characteristics that managed her to do that as for example, her self Confidence where she surely was confident in her acts and deeds. I can say that   she acts and do all the right for people in common  that is done according to her  excellent thought as she sees that is right and beneficial to people.
Personality traits as for example, herself leadership that managed her well to be a great leader as for example, her  large mind and though , her  unique character, her sincerity and love to her people and company.
Her ambition and initiative where she had a great ambition and so she carried out more things that managed her to do that.
She was a good communicator where she communicated with any one and through such communication; she managed in achieving more and more valuable things and understood her employees greatly.

Her great knowledge that came from her long experience where she held more positions
She had a great vision that managed her to do more reformation to her employees.
There are more intrinsic  and extrinsic factors that encouraged her for that .The first one is the environment where she lived and brought up where her father was the founder of the group so she learnt from him greatly also the other factor is that business  environment ,she learnt all what is elated to business from its origin.

In all everything is related to the company is directed to the great ability of the founders and their insistence in creating what is really needed from them, I can say that any progress should be put in consideration. In all Olyan company managed to establish its position in the market and really any success comes or refers back to the great leadership that was from the founder Olyan or his daughter Lubna Olyan who managed in establishing the company as what we see now. 

100 Most Powerful Arab Women 2012


Company, O. F. (n.d.). Overview. Retrieved from
Group, O. (n.d.). Vision. Retrieved from
Olayan Group. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Olyan Invests in KAEC. (n.d.). Retrieved from


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