Sunday, May 24, 2015

Global warming


In last year’s people have great discussed about change in world’s climate. The climate’s experts worry about the problem of increasing the average temperature of Earth’s that is called a global warming  according to a Scott Fetzer “since the late 1800’s, the global average temperature has increased about 0,7 to 1,4F. Many experts estimate that rise an additional 2,5 to 10,4F.”According to Raymond the average temperature has increased because the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by at least 11 percent in the last 125 years because of fossil fuels burning, transportation and industry.

The causes and the part of human

There are two causes of a global warming. The first one is natural reason and that are volcanoes, forest fire and persistent organic pollutants. The second one is industrial reasons that are result by human activities like the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) and the clearing of land. Most of the burning events happen in cars, factories and electric power than provide energy for the cities and house, but that leads to increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and that causes to rise the average of temperature in the world. Trees and plants help to remove CO2 from the air by the process of producing their food. However the process of clearing of the land assists to increase CO2 in the atmosphere because dead plants and trees analysis and then they produce CO2. According to Scott Fetzer “the clearing of land contributes to the buildup of CO2 by reducing the rate at which the gas is removed from the atmosphere or by the decomposition of dead vegetation”. At the end of the nineteenth century and the twentieth century appeared imbalance in the components of the atmosphere as a result of human activities such as industry and offers transportation, Since the Industrial Revolution, and until now the result of its dependence on fossil fuels as the primary source of energy, that led to increase warmth on the Earth's surface and occurrence of the global warming.
The effect of global warming

Climate change will make already huge effects on the nature of the world and its environment. Some experts believe that there will be some effects we could observe them on human societies, But this effects will be more pronounced in animals, plants and natural life. It might harm the marine life and wildlife animals and plants. Weather form can causes to increase the planet's temperatures to 1.5 degrees Celsius from 1990 levels. That will make about a third of animal and plant species at risk of extinction. Weather form can change causing flooding, drought, and increase in damaging storms. More than a billion people will be more vulnerable to water shortages that are due to the melting of mountain snow and an icy space that operates a natural reservoir of fresh water and sea level rise may pose a strong threat to infrastructure of many of the coastal cities. High temperature will cause the spread of many infectious diseases such malaria. So the impact of global warming will causes change the habitat, weather damage, harm to ocean life, rising sea level, threats to human health and changes in crop yields.

The solution of scientist

Scientists are working to find solutions for the problem of global warming in the world through the some way like speed up the cycle of natural carbon dioxide and injected it into the ground and ocean. Pumping carbon dioxide directly into the ocean with concentrations does not affect in the environmental system. Green houses that whenever sucked atmospheric thermal energy increased ocean temperatures and the surface of Earth. This effectively called Green House which without it becomes Average temperature of the earth atmosphere below thirty degrees which makes life is not possible.
The role of the citizen

We have to Preserving the environment and continuously check the car to reduce automobile exhaust. Use public transport instead private car and we should raise the level of environmental education and rationalizing consumption all devices that causes harmful gases and find other ways to generate energy, planting trees in our homes and around the city.

1- Use public transport instead private car.

2- Raise the level of environmental education.

3- Find other ways to generate energy.

4- Planting trees in our homes and around the city.




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