Sunday, May 24, 2015

Ethics in Photojournalism


ethics : Is a set of ethical principle sand values that govern any group or field or occasion.

There are ethics for each of the professional fields, I mean, there are the ethics of the medical profession, for example, and the ethics and the ethics of journalism and other education, certainly, our midst (photography) has several ethics relating to all the different fields, there ethics for nature photographers, and the ethics of photojournalism, and ethics to portray human beings in general, documentary photography and others. 

Yes, all of us brought up and planted in us as set of values and principles that will allow us to deal with what surrounds us human beings and what we are exposed to him from different life situations, is an important part of our upbringing.

What are photojournalism?

As topic, "Ethics in Photojournalism" is difficult to define. In order to ask questions such as "What were Photo journalistic ethics in the past," "What is photojournalism's today." And "What will photo journalistic ethics look like in the future," one must first define the concepts both 'Ethics' and "photojournalism". Photojournalism is photography plus journalism. Journalism is, "The profession or reporting or photographing or editing news stories."
Photojournalism ethics:

"Yet photojournalism has no Bible, or anyone define correct choice." There is no sole arbiter of what is or isn't ethical, and even if there were, the line isn't always Black and White. Most texts regarding ethics in photojournalism focus on the issue of what might be termed "Photographic Truth"- whether a particular image accurately represents the subject or whether it misleads viewer. 

The national press photographers Association Code of Ethics states that the "Primary Goal" of the photojournalist is the "… faithful and comprehensive description the subject at hand." Can be a photographer pose a news photo? Can he alter it, in "Faithful and Comprehensive Depictions?"

  link related to topic Ethics in Photojournalism:  









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